Cam Ranh Airport

Cam Ranh Airport is situated at the central of Cam Ranh peninsula, in Cam Ranh city, Khanh Hoa province. It is 35 kilometers northwards and 10 kilometers southwards away from Nha Trang city.

Cam Ranh International Airport was built by the US Army, used as the air force bases during the war. In 1973, after Paris Convention, that base was handed over to Democratic of Vietnam. From 1975 until 2004, Cam Ranh airport was opened for military purpose.

Cam Ranh Airport was well equipped with advanced aviation technology and facilities, ensure to accommodate B777, B767, B737, A320, A321 and similar types of aircrafts.

Cam Ranh International Airport is not only an ideal trading gate, playing an important role as a connecting bridge in attracting more investors, visitors to Khanh Hoa Province and South Central provinces, but also international aviation hub of the regions.

Cam Ranh Airport Map

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